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The S. S. Shaymin forums, a place where people of the same interests can chat and take it easy!

    Da Rules of The Ship of Gratitude

    S. S. Shaymin
    S. S. Shaymin

    Posts : 62
    Join date : 2012-11-03
    Location : 神の国

    Da Rules of The Ship of Gratitude Empty Da Rules of The Ship of Gratitude

    Post by S. S. Shaymin Sun Nov 04, 2012 12:13 am

    Before I go on to the actual rules of the forums, I would like to welcome you (the reader) to the forums and the time to actually read this. I understand that you may have been on other forums, and you would not like to read this, but you are anyway, 'cause the rules for each forum is different.

    Well, here they are.

    1) No multiple accounts
    We can track your IP address, so there is no use in hiding the fact that you have multiple accounts. You only have one account, and that's it. If you have a friend or sibling that happens to have the same IP address, contact me immediately so I don't ban you for no reason.

    2) Cussing is allowed
    I'm probably gonna regret this, but cussing is allowed. So long as you use them correctly, I will allow them. I cuss, too! However, if the cussing gets out of hand, I will have to censor words one by one.

    3) No spamming
    This means no double posting. The only exceptions to this rule are if the thread is your own or if you own a signature/avatar shop and the changelog is getting updated by an admin. Otherwise you can just edit your posts. Just because you want more posts in your post count does not mean you can make an exception to the rules. Unless you can find a loophole in my rules.

    4) No racism, harassment, or discrimination of any sort
    AND I MEAN IT! I will NOT have any racism or discrimination of other religions in this forum! If there is a problem with another person's race or religion, then there is problems and I have to ban someone. The majority of my friends in real life believe in another religion and are a different race. If I can get along with people like my friends in real life, then so can you.

    5) No advertising
    I don't want my forums riddled with advertisements, nor do users want to be bombarded with any. It's OK to put links of your own forums or Youtube account in your signature, though. That I will accept. If you want someone's opinion on your work from somewhere else, then it's OK. If someone asks you a question about what website to go to, that is OK as well.

    6) There shall not be any suggestive content
    As most of the users on the forum are under the age of 15, there should be no explicit content on the forum. Of course, I want to protect those with virgin eyes (eyes that have not seen suggestive pictures/ p0rn).

    7) No arguing with the staff
    The staff of the S. S. Shaymin Forums do what they do because, believe it or not, we care about you, the average registered member. Because most of us go on here because our real lives are miserable, we don't exactly have friends in real life, plain boredom or some random other reason that I can't think of, it is the job of the staff to keep this place going and happy. Got a problem with one of the staff members? Give them constructive critism so that they can learn from their mistakes instead of straight saying that they suck and should be demoted. If you have a problem with the forums itself, do not complain to the staff members about it. You can go complain about it in the Suggestions, Feedback, and Help sub-forum so that we, the admin team, can make the place better to enjoy.

    Lastly, enjoy! What? You thought I would bombard you with a bunch of rules? Well, I don't wanna take away the fun of actually being on the forums, that would be cruel! I will update this in the future, once I figure out more stuff about the forums. So for now, enjoy the most freedom you will have on any forum!

    The punishment for breaking the rules:
    1st Time multiple accounting - 10 Infraction points
    2nd Time multiple accounting - 20 Infraction points
    3rd Time multiple accounting - Permanent ban
    Spamming - 20 Infraction points
    Racism, harrassment, discrimination - 50 Infraction points
    Explicit content - 10 Infraction points
    1st time Arguing with a staff member - 10 Infraction points
    2nd time arguing with a staff member - 20 Infraction points
    3rd/4th time (depending on how long ago the 1st and 2nd arguements) arguing with a staff member - 30 Infraction points
    5 time arguing with a staff member - permanent ban

    If you have any questions regarding to the rules of the forums. Please PM to any Staff member!
    The S.S. Shaymin Forums Current Staff

    - S.S. Shaymin (Founder)
    - PokeZone
    - TheXWalkthrough1
    - Kelvina/Miyuki Frostleaf

    - Davismt
    - BondDari/Kira
    - Spacey

      Current date/time is Wed Jul 03, 2024 10:01 pm